This is a little guy that loves to look, and watch, and absorb the world around them.
Obi has enjoyed observing the world since they were born. The world is a fascinating place, even the small moments draw Obi towards them.
And as you can probably imagine this means that Obi sees things most don't.
Obi visits me alot, and sort of tells me about the things they've seen. Sort of meaning that we have our own way of understanding each other that many don't share.
I guess you could call me the translator, because I like to write and draw some of these observations to share with others.
They may not be very good at times, but I hope they can find the right heart and mind to connect with.
I hope to share more of Obi's observations with you, but for now you get this little note.
I hope you have a lovely day, and if not, at least an observant one.
I'm not really ready to share this entry yet. I have a few others that are unfinished (I wanted them to be right before sharing).
But I thought I should note this down while it's fresh on my mind.
Obi shared something with me that has answered alot of questions I've had about them, but dismissed too quickly.
Long ago, or maybe more accurrately, an unknown time in the past, Obi was wandering about the world, watching.
The birds sang, the spider spun her web, the bees snored softly in the softest flowers, grass could be heard growing, if you slowed down enough to listen.
There was a squirrel that Obi saw enter a small hole between the roots of a tree.
Obi slowly followed, stopping at the doorway and observing the craggly surface of the bark, and the worn away grass in the places where the squirrel must have trampled the most.
Obi looked all around for the squirrel, but it must have scampered high up in the tree tops.
Obi carefully crawled through the hole, not wanting to disturb the place if it was the squirrels' home.
But Obi found themself to not be inside a tree when they looked up. This was a new place.
Long pink and purple grass flowed in the wind high above Obi's head. Behind Obi, there was no longer a tree, but a small burrow that a mole or a mouse must have made.
Now you see? That day Obi found a passageway to another world, and Obi says that there have been many others they found afterwards.
Maybe that revelation doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me, but it certainly clarifies some of the odd things Obi has shared with me.
It takes a long time for me the understand what Obi shares with me. They sit in my mind as vague blobs, and slowly mold themselves into something more concrete.
So you see, I can't rush it. Everything takes time, bit I'll share what I can.
I hope you have a lovely day, and if not, at least an observant one. May the small things bring you joy.